The magazine brings together
the latest insights and perspectives
about what art can do
for the challenges of our time
The magazine brings together the latest insights and perspectives about what art can do for the challenges of our time

A summary of evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being
We all know the arts are good for your health and well-being. After all, an artwork a day keeps the doctor away. But how good are the arts exactly, and what evidence is there to back up art’s health claims? To help us to make our arguments more convincing, the WHO has...

A 10-point case for cultural learning for kids and young people
It is often said that the best way to ensure people participate in art and culture throughout their life is to engage them when they are young. Research seems to confirm this claim. Exposing kids to art at a young age helps them to develop a positive attitude towards...

Want to recycle more? Participate in culture
Pollution, whether from micro-plastics or facemasks, is increasingly an issue on people’s agenda. While we go out on World Cleanup Day or Shoreline Cleanups to pick up trash, one solution to pollution that may be overlooked is encouraging people to participate in...
Want to recycle more? Participate in culture
Pollution, whether from micro-plastics or facemasks, is increasingly an issue on people’s agenda. While we go out on World Cleanup Day or Shoreline Cleanups to pick up trash, one solution to pollution that may be overlooked is encouraging people to participate in...